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Richmond Holiday Shopping Guide

Wood Goods & Hot Sauce

hot sauce, art, home goods, gift baskets, jewelry & more

📍 1821 Balboa Street

🔗 woodgoodsandhotsauce.com


Foggy Notion

candles, home goods, apparel, jewelry, ceramics & more

📍 124 Clement Street

🔗 foggy-notion.com


Park Life

design, books, art, stationary, apparel & more

📍 220 Clement Street

🔗 parklifestore-webstore.com


Green Apple

for the book lovers in your life

📍 506 Clement Street

🔗 greenapplebooks.com



curated gift boxes, housewares, clothing & more

📍 714 Clement Street 

🔗 fleetwoodsf.com


Sloat Garden Center

who doesn’t love a new plant

📍 327 3rd Avenue

🔗 sloatgardens.com

Ocean Beach Cafe

non alcoholic bottle shop

📍 734 La Playa Street

🔗 oceanbeachcafe.com

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